Curator Named to Committee for Historical Arts
August 1973

“Curator Named to Committee for Historical Arts,” Ensign, Aug. 1973, 80

Curator Named to Committee for Historical Arts

Florence S. Jacobsen, former president of the Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association, has been called by the First Presidency to serve as curator for the Historical Arts Committee of the Church.

“My immediate responsibility,” said Sister Jacobsen, “will be to find out what the Church has of historical value, then catalog these items, noting their condition, their worth, and their historical significance. This has never been done before.”

She said many gifts have been given to the Church but that before her call no one in particular had been responsible for them.

“I have handled correspondence about gifts and purchases of historical relics for a number of years, because they interest me. I will continue to do this and will also display these items for public viewing.”

Sister Jacobsen took a leading role in the restoration of the Brigham Young Forest Farm in Salt Lake City. She has also supervised the renovation of the Lion House, home of Brigham Young from 1856 to 1877. She was involved in the restoration and furnishing of the Promised Valley Playhouse in Salt Lake City and supervised the furnishing of the Wilford Woodruff and Brigham Young homes in Nauvoo.

Sister Jacobsen said that numerous pioneer items are on display in various Church facilities, museums, and historical buildings, and others are now in storage. “I am hoping that some of these things will come alive through imaginative display,” she declared.
