undefined undefined Six new stakes created; first one in Philippines
Six new stakes created; first one in Philippines
August 1973

“Six new stakes created; first one in Philippines,” Ensign, Aug. 1973, 78

Six new stakes created; first one in Philippines

Manila Stake, the first stake to be organized in the Republic of the Philippines, was created recently from the Philippines Mission. In addition, five other new stakes have been created from mission districts and the division of other stakes.

The Manila Stake has a membership of 2,410 and is organized into five wards. President of the stake is Augusto Alandy Lim, former counselor in the mission presidency. His counselors are Angel Salta Pedroche and Melicio V. Emata.

Aragon Stake, a new stake in Mexico City, has been created by a division of the Mexico City East Stake; it consists of 13 wards. President Agricol Lozano of the Mexico City East Stake was named president of Aragon Stake, with Juan Manual Cedeno and Isaac Soriano as counselors. New president of the parent stake is Filiberto Ledezma, with Bartolme de le Cruz and Fredrico de Antunano as counselors.

In England, Thames Valley Stake has been created from the Thames Valley District of the England South Mission. Peter Benjamin Charles Brighty has been called as president, with Edward Keith Higglesworth and Gleen Keith Henry Rumbold as counselors. Stake membership of 3,055 is in six wards and four branches.

The new Savai’i West Stake in Samoa was created from units of Savai’i Stake and the Falelima District of the Samoa Mission. President of this new stake is Fa’afoi Aiono Tuitama, with Ropati Pei Burgess and Uso Gose Mata’utia as counselors. The stake has 3,046 members in seven wards and four branches.

The Dallas (Texas) North Stake has been created by a division of the Dallas Stake, with a membership of 3,714 in seven wards and two branches. Ivan L. Hobson is president of the new stake, with Arthur Eugene Gabriel and Lee T. Harris as counselors.

In Utah a new stake has been formed from a division of the West Jordan Stake. The new Jordan River Stake has a membership of 2,997 in five wards. Max Curtis Jewkes has been called as president, with Wilburn L. McDougal and Darrel Merlin Wolf as counselors.