“1973 Genealogical Time-Saver Available to Researchers,” Ensign, Sept. 1973, 93
1973 Genealogical Time-Saver Available to Researchers
An updated time-saver for genealogists is the 1973 edition of Computer Parish Listings, currently available at Genealogical Society branch libraries, stake meetinghouse libraries, or mission equivalents.
The book lists parishes or towns from which names have been extracted by the Genealogical Society for temple ordinance work, along with the time periods covered. Countries for which some extraction has been done include England, Wales, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Prussia, Scotland, and Luxembourg, as well as the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
Genealogical Society officials stress that only a small percentage of the records of any country has been extracted, but that patrons should check the listings before doing research in these countries. Names that appear in parishes in these listings should not be sent in for temple ordinance work since these ordinances either have been or are in the process of being performed.
However, some names may not appear in the vital records being extracted, even though the family member was born in a place during the time period extracted. In such cases, patrons may submit the name from another approved source, noting in the “remarks” area that this individual’s name does not appear in the printout.
More information is available in the 1973 edition of the Genealogical Society Research paper, Series F, No. 3 (Catalog No. PRGS0670), “The Genealogical Society’s Controlled Extraction Programs,” available for fifty cents from the General Church Distribution Center, P.O. Box 11627, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.