“LDS Family Receives National Honor,” Ensign, Sept. 1973, 94
LDS Family Receives National Honor
The Verl L. Buxton family of Cornish, Utah, has been chosen as the National Farm Family of the Year by the Farmers Home Administration. The Buxtons were chosen on the basis of their farm management and church, community, and family activity. Brother Buxton has served as mayor of Cornish for three terms and as president of the Cache County Mayors Association. In the Church he has served in the bishopric of the Cornish Ward, Benson Stake, and is currently a Sunday School teacher. Sister Helen Buxton teaches in the Aaronic Priesthood MIA. As part of the program honoring the family, the Buxtons met with President Richard M. Nixon at the White House. Pictured here are Mark Buxton, 17, Sister Buxton, President Nixon, Brother Buxton, Carol Buxton, 20, and Dale Buxton, 13. The Buxtons also have two married daughters, Patricia and Sharon.