New Stakes Created in Brazil
October 1973

“New Stakes Created in Brazil,” Ensign, Oct. 1973, 87

New Stakes Created in Brazil

Two new stakes of the Church were recently organized in southern Brazil when Elder Howard W. Hunter of the Council of the Twelve presided at the organization of the Campinas Stake and the Santos Stake.

The new stakes bring the total number of stakes in that country to five. The other Brazilian stakes are the Curitiba Stake and the São Paulo, São Paulo East, and São Paulo South stakes.

President Nelson de Genaro was called as president of the Campinas Stake. The six wards and one branch of the new stake were carved from portions of the Brazil North Mission and the São Paulo Stake.

President Jose Gonzales Lopez was called as president of the new Santos Stake. The five wards and four branches that make up this new stake were formerly assigned to the São Paulo South Stake and the Brazil Central Mission.

The first missionaries from the Church went to Brazil in 1929 under the direction of President Rheinhold Stoof. Since that time, the Church has grown steadily in this largest country in South America.