“Announcing the Ensign Gospel-in-Art Program,” Ensign, Dec. 1973, 45
Announcing the Ensign Gospel-in-Art Program
16″ x 20″ full-color print of Gethsemane by Harry Anderson
Available for $1.00 per print
Frame and display—at home or church
For many years Church magazines have given Latter-day Saints great experiences in viewing magazine art and photography.
Many times during those years members of the Church have asked if large-size artwork and photography on gospel themes would ever be made available.
The answer is yes—and the time is now!
The impact of visual imagery is well-known to all of us. What teacher or leader in the Church has not warmly thanked the ward or branch librarian for visual aids that “just tied everything together,” “explained things so clearly,” and “made the ideas so much more understandable”?
What is not so well-known is the impact that visual imagery has on the home and its members! If you have not yet read Brother Ed Maryon’s article, page 46 of this issue, you will want to do so.
The questions he asks are stimulating.
—What kind of art best enhances the Mormon home?
—What kind of visual imagery symbolizes what we stand for?
—Shouldn’t artwork representing gospel principles and great religious events have a place in the Latter-day Saint home?
—Could artwork build feelings about the family?
—Could artwork reinforce the teachings and spirit of the home?
Answers to such questions will be varied and reflect personal values.
Teachers at church have long discussed these concerns. Teachers at home will want to think on these same points.
Thus, during the years ahead, the Ensign will make available from time to time beautifully reproduced artwork or photography suitable for framing and display at home and church.
The first offering in this series is Harry Anderson’s painting, Gethsemane, pictured on this page and reproduced in part on the cover. Perhaps no other event so well symbolizes the message of the gospel—the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life that our Savior offers to all who will follow him and accept his atoning sacrifice.
Begin now to display in your home artwork that says something about your most cherished convictions!
1. Prints make attractive wall features for home or church. 2. Prints are on heavy white paper. Outside measurements are 16″ x 20″ which includes a white border. The painting itself measures 13″ x 17 1/4″. 3. Prints are mailed in heavy cardboard tubes.
To obtain your print, send $1.00 for each print to:
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
or use the form on the insert card in this issue, found in the front of the magazine.
The $1.00 cost covers all handling and mailing costs.