undefined undefined Infant Jesus, Holy Babe
Infant Jesus, Holy Babe
December 1973

“Infant Jesus, Holy Babe,” Ensign, Dec. 1973, 12–13

Infant Jesus, Holy Babe

Gently Swaying

1. Infant Jesus,

Holy Babe,

Born of Virgin Mary;

Born to suffer,

Born to die;

Born our sins to carry;

In a stall at Bethlehem,

There to start your life with men,

And there begin your mortal day,

And on earth to tarry.

2. Holy Jesus,

Son of God,

King of all creation,

Come to earth to ’stablish peace,

Peace in ev’ry nation.

O, dear Savior,

Child of love,

Make this earth like heav’n above;

O teach thy people by thy life

From thee comes salvation.

3. Dear Redeemer,

God of all,

Born in humble manger;

Savior, help us live thy love,

precious little stranger.

But, no stranger,

you, my dear,

Save to those who will not hear,

O help us,

help us,

Holy Babe,

born in humble manger.