undefined undefined New Film in Production
New Film in Production
December 1973

“New Film in Production,” Ensign, Dec. 1973, 72

New Film in Production

“On the twenty-second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having gone as usual at the end of another year to the place where they [the plates] were deposited, the same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me. …”

This dramatic moment in history, when the Angel Moroni gave charge of the Book of Mormon plates to the youth Joseph Smith, is a highlight of a new Church motion picture. Under production at the Brigham Young University Department of Motion Picture Production, the film, “The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon,” deals with the time period when the plates were delivered into the Prophet’s hands, until his colleague Martin Harris lost the first 100 pages of translated manuscript. The film also includes a “flashback” sequence of the Angel Moroni’s first visit to the boy Prophet.

For the purposes of the film, a replica of the Smith house exterior and surrounding farmland was created near the film studios, while interior scenes were filmed inside the studio.

Playing the part of Joseph Smith is David Westberg, a professional actor with many theater and television films to his credit. Other experienced professional actors in the film are Eric Server as Martin Harris and Louise Fitch as Lucy Mack Smith.

Making up the total cast of 20 are local actors chosen for their resemblance to the characters they portray.

Most of the filming is complete except for the shooting of two winter scenes. Other work to be done includes the composition of an original background score, and the final editing. As the film is being produced, still camera shots are being taken for filmstrip use.

The film is directed by Brother Wetzel O. Whitaker.

1. Reed Smoot, standing, center directs the photography in this scene between David Westberg as Joseph Smith and Elizabeth Cannon as Emma Smith.

2. Charles Parker as Joseph Smith, Sr., receives attention to his stage makeup from Grant Keate.

3. “The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon,” as David Westberg portraying Joseph Smith uncovers the plates buried in the hill.

4. The technical crew works on a closeup of Judith Olauson as Lucy Harris.

5. “Joseph Smith” kneels in prayer.

6. David Westberg as Joseph Smith.