Important Role of Music Stressed By First Presidency
December 1974

“Important Role of Music Stressed By First Presidency,” Ensign, Dec. 1974, 76

Important Role of Music Stressed By First Presidency

Recognizing the value of music in the Church, the First Presidency recently challenged priesthood leaders to see that the Church music program be improved and become an even stronger part of Church meetings.

Especially emphasized in the statement is the desired involvement of youth in music, the development of ward choirs, and the use of hymns about the Restoration.

“For some time we have been concerned about both the quality and the quantity of music in the Church,” their statement said. “Inspirational music contributes greatly to the spirituality of sacrament meetings and other Church meetings.”

They noted that young people often don’t sing in sacrament meetings and conferences, and they expressed concern that, “Many of our young people are growing up without becoming familiar with and learning to love the hymns of Zion.”

Music is a possible addition in almost every phase of the gospel, beginning with the family singing in family home evening. Music can also be a special part of a family spiritual presentation on Fast Sunday.

Many auxiliary and ward meetings include congregational singing—but it can be supplemented by a ward choir. The Brethren are anxious that every ward and branch organize and perpetuate a choir that sings regularly in sacrament meetings. The First Presidency expressly asked that the choir give “preference to hymns of the Restoration which strengthen testimonies both through the lyrics and the music.” They also pointed out that great fellowshiping and missionary success can result from involving inactive and nonmembers in a ward choir.
