“After Divorce,” Ensign, June 1975, 48–54
After Divorce
“My husband was president of the elders quorum, vice-president of the state Jaycees, and county chairman of a political party. When I’d see our kids running down the street—happy, clean, and warm—and think about what we had together, I’d kneel down in the kitchen and thank the Lord for it.”
Then divorce. Now this sister faces the anguish of her teenage daughter: “Why are we like we are?”
Divorce is an ugly word and a shattering experience, but the victims of divorce are not ugly or evil people, especially the children. Some couples, of course, are guilty of family-destroying sins that must be dealt with appropriately by priesthood officers. At the same time, there are many divorced people who are essentially victims of their spouses’ behavior.
For the general membership, our responsibility is to leave judgment to those who have that assignment, and to provide sensitive help and sincere love to divorced people as they rebuild their lives.
Photography by Royce L. Bair. Photograph posed by models.