New Mission Headquartered in Toulouse France
August 1975

“New Mission Headquartered in Toulouse France,” Ensign, Aug. 1975, 95

New Mission Headquartered in Toulouse France

The First Presidency has announced the organization of a new mission, to be headquartered in Toulouse, France. This brings to 18 the number of new missions organized this summer.

This new mission consists of the Bordeaux District, formerly in the France Paris Mission, and the Toulouse District, formerly in the Switzerland Geneva Mission. Called as president was George Walter Broschinsky of LaCelle, St. Cloud, France, an official of the Foreign Study League and former teacher in the Church’s education system. He had been serving as executive secretary to the president of the France Paris Mission.

Approximately 2,000 members, in 11 branches, are in the new France Toulouse Mission.

Map of France
