undefined undefined Area Conferences in the South Pacific
Area Conferences in the South Pacific
February 1976

“Area Conferences in the South Pacific,” Ensign, Feb. 1976, 4

Area Conferences in the South Pacific

Church attention turns to the South Seas in mid-February and the early days of March when an estimated 50,000 members of the Church will attend the long-anticipated area conferences scheduled for the Saints in six South Sea nations.

President Spencer W. Kimball, President N. Eldon Tanner, and eight other General Authorities will embark on a history-making fifteen-day tour of conferences held first in Samoa, then New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, Australia (where conferences will be held in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane), and Tahiti. Church membership in these nations totals about 110,000. Provided here are maps of the six nations, with major centers of Church population identified. See legend to interpret the maps.