New Information On Church Policies
February 1976

“New Information On Church Policies,” Ensign, Feb. 1976, 77–78

New Information On Church Policies

The following items of general interest appeared in MESSAGES to stake and district presidents, bishops, and branch presidents.

Sponsoring Members to Come to the Temple. It has come to our attention that some classes and quorums in wards and stakes, as well as seminary groups, are sponsoring members from other countries to come to the temple by raising funds to bring them to the United States. Although this type of project is praiseworthy, the results often seem partial and unfair to those who are not recipients. In the future this practice should be discontinued. It is recommended that groups desiring to raise funds for the purpose of assisting individuals to obtain their temple blessings contribute these funds toward the construction of new temples rather than sponsor individual families. Contributions may be submitted through the Church Financial Department. (The Office of the First Presidency)”

Family Relations Course. A new 12-week Family Relations course to be taught in Sunday School is now available and supersedes all other Family Relations courses previously offered in Sunday School, including classes using the family home evening manual as the text.

All married couples should be informed about the course and should be encouraged to enroll in one of the classes. Each class should be limited to no more than ten couples. Occasionally the bishop may invite a particular couple to participate in the class.

Upon completion of the course, the participants return to the Gospel Doctrine class and a new group begins the Family Relations course. … All wards and branches are encouraged to commence this new Family Relations course in Sunday School as soon as possible, utilizing only the approved new course materials. (Sunday School)”
