undefined undefined Announcing Winners of the 1976 Writing Contests
Announcing Winners of the 1976 Writing Contests
March 1976

“Announcing Winners of the 1976 Writing Contests,” Ensign, Mar. 1976, 44

Announcing Winners of the 1976 Writing Contests

In 1975, the Ensign conducted the first All-Church Writing Contest and the Relief Society conducted the first Eliza R. Snow Poetry Writing Contest for Women. In that first year of the contest, winners were selected from among the 350 poems, 163 short stories, and 145 articles entered in the All-Church Writing Contest, and from the 207 poems entered in the Eliza R. Snow Poetry Writing Contest.

Winners of the All-Church Writing Contest are:

Short story division: First prize ($150), Barbara Bessey Campbell, Orem, Utah, for “The Anniversary” (page 54); second prize ($100), Sara Brown Neilson, Sierra Madre, California, for “Love Is Understanding”; and third prize ($75), Sally M. Smith, Sepulveda, California, for “Where the Crowd Always Goes.”

Article division: First prize ($150), Susan Spencer Zmolek, Aurora, Colorado, for “The Strangers within Our Gates” (page 46); second prize ($100), Carole Osborne Cole, Butte, Montana, “A Letter to Wives of Nonmembers”; third prize ($75), Charles M. Manwaring, Salt Lake City, “Grandma Taught Me to See”; and honorable mention, H. S. Manwaring, Turlock, California, for “Fourteen Steps.”

Poetry division: First prize ($75), Dale Bjork, Amarillo, Texas, for “Those Quiet, Rolling Woods” (page 50); second prize ($50), Jean S. Marshall, Provo, Utah, for “DUP Program” (page 51); and third prize ($40), Marilyn Reynolds, Provo, Utah, for “Carpenters” (page 50).

Winners of the Eliza R. Snow Poetry Contest for Women for 1976 are: First prize ($75), Clara Laster, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for “Near the Red Sea: Sariah” (page 52); second prize ($50), Martha Pettijohn Morrise, Roy, Utah, for “Women, Look toward Eve” (page 53); and third prize ($40), Lila Bennett Spencer, Lethbridge, Alberta, for “Emma Neat Bennett, Alberta Pioneer” (page 53).

Barbara B. Campbell, first prize, short story division; Sara Brown Neilson, second prize, short story division; Sally M. Smith, third prize, short story division; Susan Spencer Zmolek, first prize, article division; Carole Osborne Cole, second prize, article division; Charles M. Manwaring, third prize, article division; Dale Bjork, first prize, poetry division; Jean S. Marshall, second prize, poetry division; Marilyn Reynolds, third prize, poetry division; Clara Laster, first prize, Eliza R. Snow contest; Martha P. Morrise, second prize, Eliza R. Snow contest; Lila Bennett Spencer, third prize, Eliza R. Snow contest.