February 1977

“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 1977, 1


February 1977

Volume 7 Number 2

On the cover: Saints, scenery, and artifacts from Mexico and Central and South America

Inside front cover: The Council of the Twelve Apostles. Seated, left to right, are Elder Mark E. Petersen, President Ezra Taft Benson, and Elder Delbert L. Stapley. Standing, left to right, are Elders Boyd K. Packer, Thomas S. Monson, LeGrand Richards, Marvin J. Ashton, Howard W. Hunter, Bruce R. McConkie, Gordon B. Hinckley, L. Tom Perry, and David B. Haight. Photography by Eldon K. Linschoten.

Inside back cover: King Lamoni under the Power of God, Ronald Crosby, oil. Lamoni’s queen pleads with Ammon to restore her husband as he lies unconscious and apparently dead. Because of her faith in Ammon’s word that he would revive at a given time, she resisted her counselors’ advice to place him in a sepulchre. (See Alma 19.) Copyright 1965 by Deseret Book Co., from The Book of Mormon Story by Mary Pratt Parrish. Used by permission.
