undefined undefined The Greatest Experience
The Greatest Experience
February 1977

“The Greatest Experience,” Ensign, Feb. 1977, 88

The Greatest Experience

In one of the recent meetings we had in the temple, the President and the General Authorities were together. President Spencer W. Kimball had turned the meeting over for testimonies. President Marion G. Romney was bearing his testimony to us and telling us how much he enjoyed kneeling in prayer with the Brethren, how much he loved us, and what a great uplift it was to him to kneel and pray together.

Then he went on to say how much he loved his wife and the great experience he had every morning and evening of kneeling with her in prayer.

“But,” he said, “brethren, the greatest experience I have every day, above all others, is when I go by myself into the room and close the door. I kneel down and I talk with the Lord.” That’s the greatest experience a prophet, a counselor in the First Presidency, has—to kneel in prayer. We could do no less than that. That’s one of the most important things we can do in strengthening our faith and strengthening our spirits.

Bishop H. Burke Peterson
First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric
Brigham Young University fireside address