“Announcing Winners of the 1977 Writing Contests,” Ensign, Mar. 1977, 64
Announcing Winners of the 1977 Writing Contests
In 1976, the Ensign conducted the second All-Church Writing Contest and the Relief Society conducted the second
Eliza R. Snow Poetry Writing Contest for Women. In that second year of the contest, winners were selected from among 381 poems, 121 short stories, and 111 articles entered in the All-Church Writing Contest, and from the 242 poems entered in the Eliza R. Snow Poetry Writing Contest.
Winners of the 1977 All-Church Writing Contest are:
Short story division: First prize ($150), Virginia Maughan Kammeyer, Alderwood Manor, Washington, for “To Him That Asketh” (page 72); second prize ($100), Kristen Rogers and Melinda Smart, Salt Lake City, Utah, for “The Hearts of the Children”; and third prize ($75), Susan Rae Worf, Missoula, Montana, for “Why Try?”
Article division: First prize ($150), Earl Stowell, Paradise, California, for “Little Ben” (page 66); second prize ($100), Carol Ann Olsen, Coos Bay, Oregon, for “Magic Minutes”; and third prize ($75), Carolyn Manning Brink, Fort Collins, Colorado, for “The Means and the Ends of Meetings.”
Poetry division: First prize ($75), Sherwin W. Howard, Appleton, Wisconsin, for “The Airplane Model” (page 69); second prize ($50), Janet Cathery-Kutcher, Birdwood, South Australia, for “First Visit of the Missionaries” (page 70); and third prize ($40), Bruce W. Jorgensen, Provo, Utah, for “For Bread and Breath of Life” (page 70).
Winners of the Eliza R. Snow Poetry Contest for Women for 1977 are: First prize ($75), Muriel Jenkins Heal, Provo, Utah, for “White Fragrance Lingered” (page 70); second prize ($50), Ellen Bryson Remington, Bluebell, Utah, for “Encounter” (page 71); and third prize ($40), Kathryn R. Ashworth, Provo, Utah, for “Summertime” (page 71).
Virginia Maughan Kammeyer, first prize, short story division; Kristen Rogers, Melinda Smart, second prize, short story division; Susan Rae Worf, third prize, short story division; Earl Stowell, first prize, article division; Carol Ann Olsen, second prize, article division; Carolyn Manning Brink, third prize, article division; Sherwin W. Howard, first prize, poetry division; Janet Cathery-Kutcher, second prize, poetry division; Bruce W. Jorgensen, third prize, poetry division; Muriel Jenkins Heal, first prize, Eliza R. Snow contest; Ellen Bryson Remington, second prize, Eliza R. Snow contest; Kathryn R. Ashworth, third prize, Eliza R. Snow contest.