March 1977

“Contents,” Ensign, Mar. 1977, 1


March 1977

Volume 7 Number 3

On the cover: Sculpture that will eventually become part of the Nauvoo Monument to Women. Sculptor is Dennis Smith. Photography by Longin Lonczyna.

Inside front cover: Letter from Eliza R. Snow to a conference of Relief Society sisters, Salt Lake Stake, Mary Isabella Horne presiding, 8 December 1886. The letter is in the Emmeline B. Wells Minute Book, 3:245, Relief Society Archives. The last line reads, “What He will not overrule for the good of the Saints, He will avert.”

Inside back cover: Lehi Blesses His Sons in the Wilderness, by Ronald Crosby, oil, at Brigham Young University. Copyright 1965 by Deseret Book Co., from The Book of Mormon Story by Mary Pratt Parrish; used by permission. The artist has selected the moving scene of the aged patriarch, standing tall and vigorous in the act of blessing his descendants before the end of his own life. By using the hangings of the tent and the strong design of the rug, the artist focuses on the silhouettes of the prophet and his son, further emphasizing their importance by the careful detail lavished on their features and costumes. Against the impression of white and brilliant light surrounding this sacred ordinance jar the brooding faces and shadowed doubts of what must be Lehi’s two eldest sons. The contrast in their mood presages the disunity and eventual disruption of the family unit that will follow Lehi’s approaching death.
