Priesthood Genealogical Seminar Scheduled for Last Time
March 1977

“Priesthood Genealogical Seminar Scheduled for Last Time,” Ensign, Mar. 1977, 91

Priesthood Genealogical Seminar Scheduled for Last Time

The twelfth annual Priesthood Genealogy Seminar, scheduled for August 1–5 at Brigham Young University, will be the last one offered to the general Church public. In the future, the emphasis will be on local genealogical instruction.

According to George H. Fudge, director of the Genealogical Department, “The responsibility for teaching genealogical research will be felt more and more at the stake and ward levels. This year’s seminar is being designed as the launching platform for local instruction throughout the Church.

“The seminar will be principally for representatives of stakes and wards as well as family organizations. The ideas, announcements, and instruction being prepared for these representatives will enable them to return home and establish successful programs locally. Two full days of instruction from General Authorities and other leaders will be devoted to the purpose.

“Another important group being catered to this year is those who know nothing about genealogical research. Three full days of basic instruction will be offered in genealogical research geared to the novice. After these three days, participants will be able to go home prepared to actually do genealogical research on their own lines.”

Seminar instructors will serve under the direction of Elder Theodore M. Burton and Elder William Grant Bangerter, members of the First Quorum of the Seventy who help direct the Genealogical Department.

Over the years, the annual seminar has attracted many thousands of members and nonmembers alike from around the world. Details of this year’s seminar have already been mailed to Church units in the United States and Canada. For Saints in other parts of the world, information on the seminar can be obtained by writing to Church Educational System, Twelfth Annual Priesthood Seminar, Dept. SCC/Box 7164 University Station, Provo, Utah 84602. Advance registration forms are also available at this address.

“This year’s seminar will be a great event,” says Brother Fudge, “and a blessing to those local areas which send representatives to participate.”

The Priesthood Genealogy Seminar annually attracts throngs of eager-to-learn genealogists. (Photography by Eldon Linschoten.)