undefined undefined Would I Have Known
Would I Have Known
August 1977

“Would I Have Known,” Ensign, Aug. 1977, 7

Would I Have Known

If I had walked along the shores of Galilee

When you were there,

Would I have known

You were the prophesied Begotten Son?

The words you spoke—

Would they have touched my heart?

Would I have left my daily chores to follow you,

To listen to one more word

As you fed us the bread of life?

What feelings would have filled my heart?

Might I have doubted?

Peter, great apostle, you

Denied him thrice: had I been there

Would I have denied him thrice

Or three times more?

Now, today, I walk by faith.

I cannot see your face,

Or hear your voice as I might have then.

But the whisper of the Spirit tells:

You are the Son,

The Savior, the Redeemer,

The Father’s glory,

And, in the past pain of your forgiving heart,

My highway home.