Illustration Competition Announced
March 1978

“Illustration Competition Announced,” Ensign, Mar. 1978, 72

Illustration Competition Announced

Competition to encourage Latter-day Saint artists to produce work on Church-related subjects is being sponsored by Brigham Young University.

BYU will award more than $3,000 in prizes and awards in the first annual Mormon Illustration Competition September 8 through 29. All visual art media, including painting, drawing, graphic design, collage, sculpture, and photography may be entered in competition by Church members.

Artwork should relate to any of three categories: History of Mormon culture; Latter-day Saint scriptures and theology; or Mormon values, ideals, and culture. Entrants are encouraged to concentrate on subjects in the upcoming year’s courses of study for Church classes, including Church history and the Doctrine and Covenants.

Entries will be accepted at the BYU Secured Art Gallery between July 1 and July 31 and will be displayed at the gallery in September. Entries should be sent to the gallery, F-303 HFAC, BYU, Provo, Utah 84602. Slides may be submitted, but the actual work is preferred.

All entries must be original, must not have been published prior to the exhibition, and must have been completed within the last two years. Judging will be by a three-member jury.

An entry fee of $2 allows each participating artist to submit up to four entries. Entry forms and information are available from the BYU art gallery.

Illustrated by Arnold Friberg