New Food Parties
March 1978

“New Food Parties,” Ensign, Mar. 1978, 56

New Food Parties

Do your children often turn up their noses at “new” foods and refuse to even try them? We handled this situation by having a “New Food Party” on family home evening night! Our first attempt was a “Seafood and Fish Party” where we had different kinds of seafood that our children had never tried before. We introduced them on a table fixed with candles and other decorations, and in the festive atmosphere the children never hesitated to try the new foods. They even discovered that they liked a lot of them!

Since then, we’ve had a “Fruit Party” that featured papayas, coconuts, mangos, various melons, and other fruits; to round it out nutritionally we began the meal by introducing a variety of cheeses as well. Our ultimate test will be our “New Vegetable Party”—but with our new motto of “Try it, you might like it!” I’m sure it, too, will be a success. Lori Kraykovic, Idaho Falls, Idaho
