“Mirthright,” Ensign, Apr. 1978, 55
Greeting a little four-year-old girl in the meetinghouse, our Sunday School president exclaimed, “My, you look bright and cheery this morning!”
“That,” said the little girl, smiling brightly, “is because I took a bath this morning.”
Andrew Livingston
Clarkston, Washington
Lee came out of Junior Sunday School looking like a thunder cloud.
“I’m never going to Sunday School again,” he declared to his mother.
“Oh, why not?”
“The other kids whisper, too,” he stormed.
“Well, I suppose they do,” said his baffled mother.
“But they don’t sing to them. They just sing to me. Every Sunday they sing ‘reverent, Lee; quiet, Lee.’”
Gaylan Rasmussen
East Lansing, Michigan
Our family enjoys having the full-time missionaries to dinner. However, with eight young children in the family, dinner time is not always as quiet and peaceful as I would like.
On one particular occasion, with the two-year-old spilling his milk, the baby dumping her dinner on the carpet, the older boys leaving early for a special Scouting activity, and the telephone constantly ringing for my husband, I apologized to the elders for all the confusion.
“Oh, that’s all right,” said the junior companion, wistfully, “It’s just like home.”
Carolyn Harmer
Roseville, California
Placing the telephone at my bedside for the night, I unknowingly tilted the receiver. As I knelt in prayer, the operator’s voice came through loud and clear, “Please hang up and place your call again.”
Lenore P. Hofford
Orem, Utah
When my daughter asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I told her I would like a really beautiful Bible. “One that looks nice. The one I have is all right, but it is simply utilitarian.”
“Oh,” she asked, “what religion is that?”
Helen J. Tanner
Logan, Utah
We have enjoyed some humorous moments resulting from our name being pronounced “speaker.”
When we first attended a sacrament meeting as investigators we were impressed that the person offering the opening prayer prayed for blessings upon the speakers.
Then again, when we visited a ward in Provo, my husband introduced us to the bishop at the door saying, “We’re the Spieckers.” Somewhat confused, the bishop said “I’m afraid you must be in the wrong building. Our speakers are already seated on the stand.”
Marjorie M. Spiecker
St. George, Utah
Asking for my advice, my thirteen-year-old daughter was trying to decide whether to accept a baby-sitting job or to go visit with a girl friend. I finally suggested that she would have to make her own decision.
“But, mother,” she said, “you’re my first counselor!”
Sue Ramsey
Athens, Ohio
One of the lessons to be presented by the Relief Society visiting teachers dealt with respect for public property. To implement the lessons, the sisters considered cleaning up our local cemetery and then having a picnic.
“I suppose,” said one of the sisters, “that we will have to find somewhere else for the picnic.”
“Yes,” agreed my wife, “or I can just hear what people would say. ‘Those Mormons are strange people. First they baptize for the dead, and now they’re up there in the cemetery trying to feed them.’”
Verl J. Allred, Jr.
Saratoga, Wyoming
The following sign appeared in a local “pay-yourself” car parking lot:
“Ere you left your car this morning did you think to pay?”
Jan Mueller
Ogden, Utah
Illustrated by Michael Rogan