undefined undefined General Conference Music
General Conference Music
May 1978

“General Conference Music,” Ensign, May 1978, 1

General Conference Music

For the information of Church members and choir directors, this summary of Conference music is provided.

Saturday Morning, 1 April 1978, Welfare Session.

Director, Jerold Ottley; organist, Robert Cundick. The congregation sang three hymns: “The World Has Need of Willing Men” (Hymns, no. 206), “Let Us All Press On” (Hymns, no. 98), and “Come, Come Ye Saints” (Hymns, no. 13).

Saturday Morning, First General Session.

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, under the direction of Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger; organist, Robert Cundick, sang: “Lo, the Mighty God Appearing” (Hymns, no. 264), “At Thy Feet We Humbly Bow” by Back and Monney (B. F. Wood Music Co.), “How Lovely Are the Messengers” by Mendelssohn (Oliver Ditson Co.), “The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare” (Hymns, no. 113), “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” by Longhurst and Hinckley (manuscript—not available), “Israel, Israel, God Is Calling” in which the congregation joined (Hymns, no. 81), “The Lord’s Prayer” by Robertson (Galaxy Music Corp.), “O My Father” (Hymns, no. 138), and “O Be Joyful” by Glarum (C. Fischer).

Saturday Afternoon, Second General Session.

A Primary Children’s Choir, director, Carolyn O. Welling; organist, Roy Darley, sang: “I Know My Father Lives” (Sing with Me, B-39), “I Am a Child of God” (Sing with Me, B-76), selection from “The Articles of Faith” (More Songs for Children, 33), “We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet” in which the congregation joined (Hymns, no. 196), “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Sing with Me, B-59), and “I Want to Live the Gospel” (Sing with Me, B-65).

Saturday Evening, General Priesthood Meeting.

The music was provided by a Prospective Elders’ Choir from Bonneville, Butler, Cottonwood, Ensign, Granger, Granite, Jordan, Jordan South, Kearns, Midvale, Millcreek, Murray, Pioneer, Rose Park, Sugarhouse, Taylorsville, Taylorsville West, and Wilford Regions. Director, Paul A. Hanks; organist, Roy Darley. The choir sang: “Come, Let Us Anew” (Hymns, no. 306), “The Lord Is My Shepherd” by Dayley (Sonos Music Resources), “How Firm a Foundation” in which the congregation joined (Hymns, no. 66), and “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Hymns, no. 317).

Sunday Morning, 2 April 1978, Third General Session.

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, under the direction of Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger; organist, Robert Cundick, sang: “Praise to the Man” (Hymns, no. 147), “O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright” by Jolley and Ambrose (Hope Publishing Co.), “Come, Sing to the Lord” (Hymns, no. 32), “Onward, Christian Soldiers” (Hymns, no. 138), “O Lord Most Holy,” by Franck (General Music Committee, out of print), “Glorious Everlasting” by Cousins (Brodt Music Co.), “Sweet Is the Work” in which the congregation joined (Hymns, no. 168), “How Excellent Thy Name,” by Handel (manuscript—not available), and “For All The Saints,” by Williams and How, (C. Fischer).

Sunday Afternoon, Fourth General Session.

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, under the direction of Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger; organist, John Longhurst, sang: “Lead, Kindly Light” (Hymns, no. 112), “Consolation: I Am a Child of God,” by Lyon and Hanson (manuscript—not available), “Now Let Us Rejoice” in which the congregation joined (Hymns, no. 118), and “Come Follow Me,” by Manookin and Nicholson (Sonos Music Resources).