undefined undefined Comment
October 1978

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 1978, 49


Extra Conference Issues Wanted

Because of our love for the Ensign, I would like to suggest two things:

First, that a special subscription list be made of those who would like to have extra copies of the conference issues. I am just now getting to our issue because (to our delight) our three teenagers are grabbing them and lending them out to nonmember friends.

Second, that you go back to the quality paper for conference issues that is used for the regular issues. We use felt-tip pens to mark things we want to remember, and the ink sometimes penetrates the paper to the other side. We would be willing to pay extra for better paper.

William R. Wills
Placerville, California

Many people like extra copies of the conference issue. There are two ways you can order them: 1) When you subscribe or resubscribe to the Ensign, please inform your publication representatives that you wish extra copies of the May and November conference issues. You may order them at that time, at a cost of 60¢ per each extra copy you request;

2) You may order by personal letter an extra copy or copies of any issue of the Ensign. Simply identify the issue, sending 60¢ to Church Magazines Subscription, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150.

Regarding the second suggestion, perhaps a higher grade of paper for conference issues can be reconsidered when soaring paper costs and inflationary spirals top out. In the meantime, however, (since Church magazines are self-sustaining) expenditures cannot exceed subscription income.


The July (1978) article, “Where Brotherhood Is the Specialty” (Lavina Fielding Anderson), brought back memories. We lived in the Brooklyn Branch, New York Stake, from 1969–72, and found ourselves in one of the Church’s greatest melting pots. Our branch president was a Utah Mormon, but one of his counselors was originally from Denmark, and the other was from France.

And that was just the beginning. There were members from Russia, Greece, England, Korea, Finland, China, Italy, Germany, Norway, most countries of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and of course, all parts of the United States.

Many lasting friendships developed in that wonderful conglomeration of Saints. And you should have seen our roadshows!

Carla Kelly
Ogden, Utah

Many of your articles are so timely, showing a deep understanding of human beings, and I have been made aware of some of my own failings through them. We so desperately need to be more concerned about our fellow man, but too many are wrapped up in a sort of narcissistic attitude, trying to have a good time and sate themselves with possessions.

I know of one good widow who was somewhat crippled by polio, and who fell and broke a hip which crippled her further. After her son died of cancer and she was alone, her ward members never helped her get to her church meetings. But two other non-Mormon churches assist her to their meetings.

In another case, a widow who had been told that the high priests would help her at any time sought their help in emergency situations, but they were too busy. So she turned to a nonmember neighbor who dropped everything and solved a problem for her. Now she turns to him when she needs help.

Sometimes we fail in being real Christians.

Mrs. Henry C. Dye
Ogden, Utah

Bravo for your most recent Ensign! Your series on member sensitivity (“Differences,” “Where Brotherhood Is the Specialty,” and “Are you Suffering from Hardening of the Categories?”) was sensitively and movingly written. We as Church members need to hear this message frequently.

As a new Relief Society president I have been shocked (and that word’s not too strong) at the number of sisters who have confided to me that they feel unwelcome, uncomfortable, or “out of it” at church. During the past month four “active” sisters have said they were seriously considering not coming to church any more because they don’t fit in. So do keep at it.

Helen Claire Sievers
Sudbury, Massachusetts

Health Information Needed

Just received and read your July issue, and I must say it is most timely for me. I am also encouraged by your note on health care (immunization). As a physician I am amazed by the lack of general common sense regarding health care among Church members.

Health care, I believe, is the responsibility of the individual, not the practitioner. However, an informed professional can give salient advice. Further educational efforts stressing self-responsibility, information dissemination, prevention, and common sense in selection of health care methods are important.

R. W. Halterman, M.D.
Camp Pendleton, California

Memories of Dutch Potatoes

I would like to express my admiration for the marvelous article, “War and Peace and Dutch Potatoes” by William G. Hartley in the July Ensign. It is almost unbelievable how accurately you have depicted the events and feelings of those days.

I was a teenager in Holland during the five years of Nazi occupation. In 1946 President Zappey called me on a full-time mission, and I served two years in the mission office as a translator and assistant editor of the Dutch mission magazine, De Ster. I wrote an article about the potatoes for De Ster and also for the Vlaardingen newspaper, which you quote.

I remember how tired President Zappey would be after another day of fruitless negotiations with the Dutch authorities, and I sometimes wondered why he didn’t give up. I think he realized that this was a bigger cause than any of us knew.

Ann Copier
Salt Lake City, Utah

A Fifteen-year-old Speaks

When I read the article “Three Plagues of Parenting” (Kathy England) in the April 1978 Ensign, I wanted to share my feelings on the subject. I am fifteen years old and have three older brothers.

As I have grown up, my parents have done lots of things to make me feel “important.” Until about six months ago my father was in the Air Force, which caused much uprooting of our family, but even though we’re scattered now (one brother on a mission in England and one in college), we have remained a strong family.

Ever since I was very little, dinner time has been a time for talking, for learning more about the family. But it didn’t end there. I have spent an abnormal amount of time in cars, and while chauffeuring the family around, my parents always talked to us. It has always made me feel good to talk to my mom or dad!

Cora Marsh
Lancaster, California

From the Armed Forces

Since I’ve been in the Marine Corps I have really enjoyed the Ensign and the New Era. These magazines have kept me in touch with the Church. Both were gifts to me. I like them so well I have decided to give both magazines as a gift to someone else.

D. E. McLeish, 2nd Lt. USMC
Milton, Florida