undefined undefined Contents
October 1978

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1978, 1


October 1978

Volume 8 Number 10

On the cover: Harvest Scene, 22″ x 36″, oil on canvas, Beehive House, Salt Lake City (Church Historical Department Collection). This unsigned work has been variously attributed to Lorus Pratt (1855–1923) and fellow Utah artist John Hafen (1856–1910).

Inside front cover: The Savior Visits with Mary and Martha, Minerva Teichert, 46″ x 96″, oil on canvas, Brigham Young University Collection.

Inside back cover: Herod’s Temple, Edward D. Maryon, 84″ x 168″, oil on canvas, Visitors’ Center South, Temple Square. The original of this enlargement is displayed in the Independence, Missouri, Visitors’ Center.