Book of Mormon Stories for Beginning Readers
February 1979

“Book of Mormon Stories for Beginning Readers,” Ensign, Feb. 1979, 68

Book of Mormon Stories for Beginning Readers

Now your young children can read their very own Book of Mormon—and, at $1.50 their book will cost little more than your paperback copy. This new reader, also ideal for the mentally handicapped, has 111 pages of full-color illustrations—five or six per page. Each illustration is accompanied by a short, easy-to-read text.

Chapter one tells about the First Vision, Moroni’s visit, and Joseph Smith’s translation of the gold plates. Chapter two gives a brief synopsis of the Book of Mormon. Chapters three through twenty-four vividly tell favorite stories from the Book of Mormon: Lehi’s journey, Enos’s experience with prayer, Abinadi before King Noah, missionary successes of Alma and the sons of Mosiah, Helaman and his 2,000 warriors, the Savior’s visit in America, the history of the Jaredites, the sorrows of Mormon and Moroni, and many others. Chapter twenty-five then explains the promise of the Book of Mormon. Also included are a simple illustrated glossary, an index of people and places, and easy-to-understand maps and time charts.

Two cassette tapes of the text, narrated by Brother Francis Urry, are available for those who wish to hear the words as they follow along in their own books. A beep indicates to the reader when to go from one picture to another. Two beeps indicate when to turn the page.

Teaching the scriptures to children has never been easier—or less expensive. Book of Mormon Stories for Beginning Readers encourages scripture study early in childhood and makes the stories come alive.

Both the reader (stock no. PBIC0325, $1.50) and the tapes (stock no. PCBL0078, $2.25) can be ordered from Church distribution centers.