“Pageants Scheduled for 1979,” Ensign, Feb. 1979, 74–75
Pageants Scheduled for 1979
This year, like recent years, is one of pageantry for Saints in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Nine pageants—eight of them outdoor productions—have been announced. Admission to all is free.
Hamilton, New Zealand, January 18–20—This is the second year for Hear Him, a religious pageant staged on the New Zealand Temple hill. In 1978, 28,000 people saw the production.
Mesa, Arizona, April 10–13—An Easter pageant will be produced on the grounds of the Arizona Temple. Attendance in 1978, 36,000.
Independence, Missouri, June 14–16—Missouri, Mormons, and Miracles will be staged near the Church’s visitors’ center. Attendance in 1978, 9,000.
Oakland, California, July 10–14, 17–21—The Oakland Temple pageant, staged indoors at the tri-stake center near the temple, tells of the organization of the Church and the pioneers’ westward trek. Attendance in 1978, 18,000.
Manti, Utah, July 12–14, 17–21—The Mormon Miracle pageant is shown on the grassy slope of the Manti Temple hill. Attendance in 1978, 125,000.
Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 24–27, July 31–August 3—This is the first year for III Nephi,a religious pageant to be staged outdoors at Freeman Park.
Palmyra, New York, July 27–28, July 31–August 4—1979 brings the 42nd anniversary of the production of the Hill Cumorah Pageant, America’s Witness for Christ, presented outdoors on a hillside staging area at the Hill Cumorah. Attendance in 1978, 140,000.
Nauvoo, Illinois, August 15–19—City of Joseph will be presented outdoors near the Nauvoo Visitors’ Center. The pageant tells of the development of Nauvoo as a Mormon settlement and of Joseph Smith. Attendance in 1978, 45,000.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December 18–26—The Christmas Nativity Pageant in Heritage Park will depict the birth of the Savior. Attendance in 1978, 30,000.