Find It Fast
February 1979

“Find It Fast,” Ensign, Feb. 1979, 65

Find It Fast

“Where is the comb?” “Do we have any tape?” “Motherrr—I need an envelope.”

In our large family, it seemed someone was always calling me at the crisis stage for something. So now we have a “contentment center,” so-called because it keeps everyone happy and contented.

Across a piece of fabric, about 24-by-36 inches, I stitched rows of pockets, each one pre-measured to hold the item it was labeled for: felt-tip pens, masking tape, pens, pencils, Band-Aids, safety pins, glue, scissors, paper and envelopes, and so on.

At first I labeled the pockets with strips of masking tape until I was sure of the positions. Then I printed the labels on the pockets with a felt-tip pen. A dowel stick and a cord attached to the top of the unit made it easy to hang in utility room or family room. Our family is better organized now, and more peace of mind prevails. Susan Bartholomew, Lehi, Utah