undefined undefined News of BYU
News of BYU
March 1979

“News of BYU,” Ensign, Mar. 1979, 80

News of BYU

An Escondido, California, woman has been awarded the 1979 Brigham Young University presidential medal. Florence Chambers Newkirk, who has donated a $5-million ranch to the university, was given the award by BYU President Dallin H. Oaks. The BYU Alumni Association and the LDS Church Development Office give the award annually.

Dr. Merrill Bradshaw, BYU’s composer in residence, has been honored for outstanding musical creations. The award from the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers salutes five symphonies, piano and chamber music, musical play, and an oratorio by Brother Bradshaw.

Three brothers from American Fork, Utah, recently staged a three-brother art show at BYU. Lynn H. Bennett, Lowell Bruce Bennett, and Robert Bennett, who have all served German-speaking missions, had ceramic sculpture, pottery, oil paintings, and crystalline porcelain artwork on display at BYU. It is their second three-brother show.

Since Church College of Hawaii became part of the Brigham Young University system, its enrollment has increased nearly one hundred percent. Enrollment reached 1,770 for fall semester, a record enrollment for the third consecutive year. Fall 1978 enrollment shows a twelve percent increase over enrollment a year ago. This total is nearly one hundred percent larger than in 1974, when CCH became Brigham Young University—Hawaii.