Essentials of Home Production and Storage
April 1979

“Essentials of Home Production and Storage,” Ensign, Apr. 1979, 73

Essentials of Home Production and Storage

This booklet, prepared by the Welfare Services Department of the Church, is the first of six geared to the six areas of personal and family preparedness. Intended more as a resource manual than as a definitive text, it includes basic information on home production and storage. It can be used as a home reference or as a resource for classes.

The twenty-nine-page publication gives tips on gardening, food preservation, and home production techniques, as well as suggestions for first aid kits, recipes for storage foods, and inventory sheets to help families organize and keep records of home storage needs. The bibliography lists many excellent publications giving more detailed information in each specific area—and also the addresses where they can be obtained.

Copies are available at Church distribution centers for 50¢ (stock no. PGWE1125) and at bookstores carrying Church books.