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LDS Scene
April 1979

“LDS Scene,” Ensign, Apr. 1979, 79

LDS Scene

The renovated Logan temple has been opened for public tours for a month prior to its March 13–15 rededication. An annex was added, and the building was completely refinished inside, with a new electrical system, fire sprinkling system, new heating and air conditioning system, and new furnishings.

A temporary visitors’ center for those visiting the temple prior to its rededication was set up by members of the seventies quorums of the Logan area stakes.

The capacity of the temple has been increased seventy-five percent with the remodeling. Some trees were removed to expand parking facilities and twice as many trees were planted to enhance the grounds.

The temple’s major rooms include four ordinance rooms, a celestial room, eleven sealing rooms, a chapel, a baptistry, and a priesthood room. The annex includes a chapel, 924 lockers for patrons, laundry facilities, a cafeteria, and offices for the temple presidency, recorder, and matron.

The original stone of the temple exterior was cleaned and repaired.

A fifth Church-sponsored advertising insert is being published in the April Reader’s Digest. The insert—“Seven Beliefs That Make a Mormon”—concentrates on doctrines of the Church more than the previous four booklets did. The last page of the insert contains the Articles of Faith written by Joseph Smith.

Alexander Schreiner, retired Tabernacle Organist, plans to help the University of California at Los Angeles celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. Brother Schreiner, who retired in 1978 after nearly fifty-four years as Tabernacle organist, will play a recital May 20 at Royce Hall on the UCLA campus. He started as an organist there in 1929 and played the organ at UCLA for nine years.

The celestial room in remodeled Logan Temple. (Photography by Eldon Linschoten.)