undefined undefined First Presidency Supports Energy Conservation
First Presidency Supports Energy Conservation
August 1979

“First Presidency Supports Energy Conservation,” Ensign, Aug. 1979, 78

First Presidency Supports Energy Conservation

The First Presidency has issued a statement encouraging energy conservation measures.

“We urge Latter-day Saints and all citizens to join in efforts nationally and locally to conserve precious energy resources,” the First Presidency said in a statement issued May 17.

“Worshippers should walk to church meetings where it is feasible and can be done without undue hazard to personal safety,” they said.

They urged members and others to join car pools for transportation, to use mass transit facilities, and to curtail unnecessary travel.

“It is also important that all motorists observe prescribed speed limits, both on the freeways and in residential or business areas. We also suggest that thermostats in homes be adjusted where it is feasible and that all unnecessary consumption of electricity or fuel be eliminated.”

The statement urged that fuel conservation be discussed in family home evenings.

The Church endorsed and adopted these and other conservation measures in 1973.