33 New Stakes Organized
September 1979

“33 New Stakes Organized,” Ensign, Sept. 1979, 79

33 New Stakes Organized

Thirty-three new stakes were organized during the second quarter of 1979, bringing the Church total to 1,043.

Stakes formed from missions were the Fukuoka Japan, Fairmont West Virginia, and Fairbanks Alaska stakes.

The other new stakes are Magna Utah Central, Vancouver British Columbia South, Kimberly Idaho, North Salt Lake Utah, Seoul Korea East, Salto Uruguay, Montpelier Idaho South, Cordoba Argentina North, American Fork Utah East, Yakima Washington North, Santiago Chile Independencia, Mesa Arizona Lehi, Kaysville Utah Crestwood, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Andarai, Dayton Ohio East, Curitiba Brazil North, Calgary Alberta West, Auburn California, Melo Uruguay, Montevideo Uruguay Maronas, San Salvador El Salvador Ayutuxtepeque, Godoy Cruz Argentina, Villa Alemana Chile, Santiago Chile Cinco de Abril, Santiago Chile La Florida, Guatemala City Guatemala Mariscal, Boise Idaho East, Anderson California, and Wellsville Utah.

Two stakes were dissolved as new stakes were formed and boundaries were realigned—Salt Lake Granite Park and Salt Lake Temple View stakes.

Twenty-two new stakes were formed in the first three months of 1979.