First Presidency Encourages Help for Refugees
October 1979

“First Presidency Encourages Help for Refugees,” Ensign, Oct. 1979, 79

First Presidency Encourages Help for Refugees

The First Presidency has encouraged Church members to support programs helping Southeast Asian refugees resettle.

In a letter to general, regional, and local Church leaders in the United States, the First Presidency stated:

“Since 1975, we have been deeply concerned about and involved with the processing and sponsoring of our Church members and their extended families who are refugees from the conflicts of Southeast Asia.

“While the needs of our members have been largely met, the plight of thousands of refugees from Vietnam and Cambodia is worsening. The President of the United States has recently announced the doubling of the number of refugees who will be admitted to the United States; leaders of other nations have pledged to increase significantly their efforts to aid and resettle these refugees.

“The Church will continue its program, while the need exists, in behalf of Church members and their extended families.

“In order to assist further in meeting these urgent needs, we encourage Church members as private citizens to give prayerful consideration to becoming sponsors or providing volunteer assistance for refugee families, acting in cooperation with the reputable, charitable organizations in their communities.”

The letter said that further information was available from local LDS Social Services offices.
