Women’s Fireside Addresses
November 1979

Women’s Fireside Addresses

The following four addresses were given at the women’s fireside held September 15 in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Latter-day Saint women twelve and older met in 1,500 locations worldwide to listen to messages from President Spencer W. Kimball; Sister Barbara B. Smith, general president of the Relief Society; Sister Elaine A. Cannon, Young Women general president; and Sister Naomi Shumway, Primary general president. Since President Kimball was hospitalized at the time of the conference, his message was read by his wife, Camilla E. Kimball. Translations of addresses were recorded and sent in the appropriate languages to women of the Church who reside in non-English-speaking areas of the world. Tapes of the conference were sent to areas where direct-line broadcasts were not available.
