undefined undefined Contents
August 1980

“Contents,” Ensign, Aug. 1980, 1


August 1980

Volume 10 Number 8

On the cover: Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail, Gary E. Smith, 36″ by 48″, oil on canvas, 1980. In artist’s possession.

Back cover: Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, Gary E. Smith, 36″ by 40″, oil on canvas, 1980. In artist’s possession.

Inside front cover: Whittingham, Vermont, Birthplace of Brigham Young, Al Rounds, 19″ by 29″, watercolor, 1979. Located in the Church Historical Department.

Inside back cover: Seventies Hall, Al Rounds, 22″ by 30″, watercolor, 1979. Located in the Church Historical Department.