undefined undefined Poem for Two Voices
Poem for Two Voices
August 1980

“Poem for Two Voices,” Ensign, Aug. 1980, 45

Poem for Two Voices

(first voice)

(second voice)

Three crosses on a hill;

turgid air and still,

spear-pointed sun

shone on,

“Father, forgive them”

bloodied fingers plaiting thorns.

His brow sweat tears, blood for blood;

contorted shoulders,

suffering for mankind,

agony of all our hells,

abyss beyond our knowing,

He donned our transgression like a cloak;

three sixes won his robe.

Dice-tossing men won,

lost, and swore

beneath his feet.

“My God, my God. …”

His father wept,

knowing, for our sakes,

he must ignore.

A tremor stopped their play.

(both voices)

Rending tremors, heaven echoing

across the world,

rock falling upon rock,

cold sea seething boiling-pot,

mountains to valleys,

towns to ash,

sea cascading,

desert drowning,

earth foundering,

and peace.

Three crosses on a hill

and shadows lengthening to fill

a life

a world,

a universe,

a heart.

“… finished!”

Or about to start.