undefined undefined General Conference Music
General Conference Music
November 1980

“General Conference Music,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 100

General Conference Music

This summary of conference music is provided for the information of Church members and choir directors.

Saturday Morning, 4 October 1980, Welfare Session

Under the direction of Donald Ripplinger, with Roy Darley as organist, the congregation sang three hymns: “Hope of Israel” by Clayson (Hymns, no. 64), “Choose the Right” by Tuckett (Hymns, no. 110), and “Have I Done Any Good?” by Thompson (Hymns, no. 58).

Saturday Morning, 4 October 1980, First General Session

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley, with organist John Longhurst, sang “Arise, O Glorious Zion” by Careless (Hymns, no. 225), “The Lord’s Prayer” by Gates (Choirbook, p. 42), “For the Beauty of the Earth” by Kocher/Davis (Remick), “Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah” by Hughes (Hymns, no. 56), “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee” by Dykes (Hymns, no. 148), “Come Unto Jesus” by Huish (Hymns, no. 22), “Lead, Kindly Light” by Dykes/Cundick (Hymns, no. 112, Hymnal Plus, Sonos), “God of Our Fathers” by Warren/Cundick (Hymns, no. 54, Hymnal Plus, Sonos), and “Dedication” by Reske (Choirbook, p. 45). The congregation sang “Oh, How Lovely Was the Morning” by Smyth (Hymns, no. 136).

Saturday Afternoon, 4 October 1980, Second General Session

The Mormon Youth Chorus, directed by Robert C. Bowden, with organist Roy Darley, sang “O My Father” by McGranahan (Hymns, no. 139), “Psalm 148” by Holst (Augener, Ltd.), and “The Spirit of God Like a Fire” arranged by Bowden (manuscript not available). The congregation sang “Redeemer of Israel” by Lewis (Hymns, no. 195).

Saturday Evening, 4 October 1980, Priesthood Session

A men’s choir from Ricks College, directed by Richard Robison, with organist Roy Darley, sang “See, the Mighty Angel Flying!” by Stephens/Wolford (ms. not available), “Though Deepening Trials” by Careless/Manookin (Sonos), and “Beautiful Savior” arranged by Riegger (Flammer). The congregation sang “Praise to the Man” (Hymns, no. 147).

Sunday Morning, 5 October 1980, Third General Session

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley, with Robert Cundick at the organ, sang “Lo! The Mighty God Appearing” by Stephens (Hymns, no. 264), “Sweet Hour of Prayer” by Bradbury/Manookin (Sonos), “The Morning Breaks” by Careless (Hymns, no. 269), “True to the Faith” by Stephens/Lyon (Deseret Book), “Go Ye Into Every Nation” by Wolford (Choirbook, p. 8), “Jesus, Name of Wondrous Love” by Titcomb (B. F. Wood), “Let the Mountains Shout for Joy” by Stephens (Choirbook, p. 50). The congregation sang “Now Let Us Rejoice” by Phelps/Christiansen (organ accompaniment from the Choirbook, p. 54).

Sunday Afternoon, 5 October 1980, Fourth General Session

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley, with John Longhurst at the organ, sang “Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise” by Smyth (Hymns, no. 240), “O Lord I Would Hear Thy Word” by Bradshaw (Sonos), and “I Need Thee Ev’ry Hour” by Lowry/Manookin (Sonos). The congregation sang “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet,” (Hymns, no. 196).