No Room for Doubt
February 1981

“No Room for Doubt,” Ensign, Feb. 1981, 57

No Room for Doubt

At a most difficult time in my life I began to feel I could not continue living. The horrible thought kept preying upon me that I must end my life. I even went so far as to imagine different ways in which I might accomplish this. I asked a dear friend of mine, “Would the Lord, knowing how much I love him, permit me to take my own life?” Her answer: “Yes, he would, because you have your free agency.”

In my extremity, I finally realized that I must have the help of the priesthood. Accordingly, I called our bishop, and he came with his two counselors to give me a priesthood blessing. They had no sooner lifted their hands from my head than I felt the terrible feelings inside me being removed. It was as though something heavy and most distressing had been gently but firmly taken from me and destroyed. Those feelings have never returned. Yes, a loving Father in Heaven does hear and answer our prayers. I know this, for he has left me no room for doubt. Name withheld by request
