Clear Blue Skies
April 1981

“Clear Blue Skies,” Ensign, Apr. 1981, 65

Clear Blue Skies

We have five preschoolers and there are days that certainly challenge me. But some time ago I learned that my attitude is the key to self-control. If I place my family at the top of my priority list, if I place wifehood and motherhood as the most important things I have to accomplish in this life, then a different perspective is built in my mind. If I fail in those callings, I will not be prepared for becoming an eternal parent with my husband.

I strive to maintain this perspective, remembering that a clean, orderly home is foremost for the benefit of my family. Otherwise, I might see the incessant questions and needs of my little ones as interruptions, I will always have dishes to wash and laundry to fold; but now is the only time I will have precious little ones to nurture.

How do I cope with my small family? Is it difficult to cope with clear blue skies and rippling streams? No. The task at hand is to drink deeply and to enjoy every moment, for tomorrow all may change. Eileen D. Telford, Everett, Washington
