undefined undefined New Triple Combination: Three Styles Available
New Triple Combination: Three Styles Available
October 1981

“New Triple Combination: Three Styles Available,” Ensign, Oct. 1981, 75

New Triple Combination: Three Styles Available

Three different styles will be available in the new triple combination recently published by the Church. (See related story on page 8.) Large-print and thumb-indexing will also be offered.

The “style C,” or curriculum edition, designed primarily for use in seminaries, institutes, and other Church teaching situations, will be published in two formats—regular size print and large print—and will have black or brown vinyl covers, comparable to the “style C” Bible. It will cost $5.50 for the regular size print and $8.25 for the large-print edition and will be available through Church distribution centers.

The “style B” triple combination will be leather-bound in split cowhide, either black or brown, and may be purchased in either regular size or large-print and either with or without thumb-indexing, according to the following price schedule: regular size without thumb-indexing ($19.95); regular size with indexing ($24.95); large-print without indexing ($26.95); large-print with indexing ($29.95).

“Style A” will be bound in water buffalo calfskin and will be thumb-indexed. In regular-size type it will be available in black, brown, white, or blue ($36.00); the large-print version will come in black or brown ($55.00).

Styles A and B will be distributed through Deseret Book Company retail stores and nearly two thousand Deseret Book wholesale dealers throughout the Church.

The trim size for the regular copies will be 4 7/8 by 7 inches, while the large-print copies will be 6 1/8 by 9 1/4 inches. The new triple edition will contain 1344 pages, or a little more than half as many pages as the LDS edition of the Bible.

In addition to these new editions of the Bible and the triple combination, the feasibility of publishing a new “quadruple combination” (binding together the Bible and the triple combination) is being studied. New technology has produced very lightweight papers, which are much thinner than any previously available, but still retain a remarkable degree of opacity.

Work has also been under way on adapting the combined index for publication of an edition of the Book of Mormon itself, as well as a combined edition of the Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price. As a result, missionaries and others will still be able to distribute copies of the Book of Mormon without the other two latter-day scriptures. They then may follow up later with a volume containing the other two scriptures.