undefined undefined Church Introduces Simplified Tithing, Donations Recording System
Church Introduces Simplified Tithing, Donations Recording System
January 1982

“Church Introduces Simplified Tithing, Donations Recording System,” Ensign, Jan. 1982, 78

Church Introduces Simplified Tithing, Donations Recording System

Beginning this month, a simplified tithing and donations recording system will be introduced to wards and branches of the Church using the automated financial recording system (primarily, those in the United States and Canada). The new procedure will help members keep accurate records of their contributions and will enable clerks to perform their duties more efficiently.

A two-part Tithing and Donations slip will replace the current donation slip. The member will fill out the slip, place the white original in the envelope with the donation, then give the envelope to the bishop or branch president, or to one of his counselors. The member will keep the yellow copy of the slip to verify that his donation was recorded properly.

Each donor will receive an itemized, computer-prepared Year-to-date Tithing and Donations Record in July and November. In addition, an annual Tithing and Donations Statement for each donor will be sent in January; this summary will show donations made during the last period of the year and total amounts contributed for the entire year.

In place of handling individual receipts, clerks will now be able to list up to twelve donations on a new Weekly Tithing and Donations form. The form will be sent to Church headquarters, where it will be read by computer; a copy of the form will remain in ward or branch files.

It is anticipated that the new recording system will reduce processing costs, simplify the work of recording contributions, and improve record-keeping accuracy. As wards and branches order receipts during the early part of 1982 (using the old receipt order form), they will be sent the new forms that will enable them to use these simplified procedures.