undefined undefined Granddaughter
February 1982

“Granddaughter,” Ensign, Feb. 1982, 5


Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh


You’ve bonded me in gold to generations.

Through the glass I hear your infant cry

And I recall another natal breath

That caught my heart

Her wondrous eyes, her need of me.

Now to your home

(Offspring of Celestial Sealings)

You come, and when you cry

We both will run, your Mother and I.

And as she gives you of herself

Her eyes transcribe upon my soul

Those Mother truths

That only Mothers know—

Things that I could never quite express

(But must be taught)—

And so I am at peace

Now that I see eternal lives of caring

That will bless you

And so bless me!

For this is written in your Mother’s eyes

A testament of shy and tender looks

That speak so clearly

What never need be said,

That sing!

So … this is how it was.