“Missionary Work Made Easier,” Ensign, Apr. 1982, 77
Missionary Work Made Easier
“I am a Latter-day Saint who cares about you.” It’s a sentiment often felt, not so often expressed. But the Church is anxious to help members learn the art of friendshipping and has produced a filmstrip to teach them how.
According to President Ezra Taft Benson, “How Great Shall Be Your Joy” is a new filmstrip designed “to train members in friendshipping skills that will help them feel confident about sharing the gospel with friends, neighbors, and relatives.”
The filmstrip, which has been distributed to stake, mission, and district presidents in English-speaking areas, tells the story of one Church member who initially hesitates to approach friends and neighbors about the gospel. He then learns, through a step-by-step process, how to send “messages” of friendship and concern to people, finally resulting in positive missionary experiences.
A cassette tape accompanies the filmstrip and can be used in two different ways. One side of the tape includes five points at which a discussion leader stops the filmstrip and brings out key points through group discussion. Side two of the tape contains the same material, but does not include the stops; this side of the tape may be used when the filmstrip is shown for motivational purposes, without stopping for discussion.
Also accompanying the filmstrip are a Discussion Leader’s Guide, which outlines principles to be discussed during each stop of the filmstrip, and a form titled My Record of Friends, to be given to members who see the filmstrip. The form is designed to help members plan their friendshipping activities.
Copies of the filmstrip and Discussion Leader’s Guide (VVOF3357) are available at $2.75 from the Salt Lake City Distribution Center, 1999 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104. The My Record of Friends form may be duplicated to meet local needs.