“Chart for Display in the Home,” Ensign, Oct. 1982, 63
Chart for Display in the Home
In Case of Fire:
Get the family out of the house fast!
Notify fire department from nearby phone.
PHONE NUMBER: ______________
Preparation for Fire Emergency:
1. Smoke Detectors: Install at least one for every level and for each set of bedrooms. Test all detectors at least monthly.
2. Practice EDITH (Exit Drills in the Home):
Sleep with bedroom doors closed.
Roll off bed; crawl on hands and knees to door.
Feel door—if warm or hot DO NOT OPEN. Use secondary exit. If door feels normal—open partially, check for smoke; if clear (or only light smoke), crawl to primary exit.
Meet at a prearranged location outside the house. Count noses.
Have someone assigned to phone fire department from neighbor’s house.
Do NOT go back into the house, but stay on hand to give information.
3. Keep a lid on grease fires.
4. Install solid-fuel burning devices to meet fire and building codes.
5. Turn water-heater thermostat setting to “Low” or “Warm.”
6. Do not leave children alone in the bathroom or the kitchen. Keep cooking utensils turned away from children’s reach.
7. Practice Stop, Drop, and Roll.
8. Keep an ABC fire extinguisher in your home. Know how to use it.
9. Remove multi-electrical cords and cube taps.
10. Store and handle flammable liquids properly.
11. Cool the burns with water.
Illustrated by Scott Greer