She Needed My Call
October 1982

“She Needed My Call,” Ensign, Oct. 1982, 55

She Needed My Call

One day, not long ago, I was able to see again what a little act of concern can do. An impression came to me to call a certain member of my ward. I didn’t know why I should call her, for I had never called this sister just to talk before. But the impression felt good, and it was strong, so I picked up the telephone.

She needed my call that day. She told me that she had been feeling depressed all morning long. Our conversation brought a change of thoughts and actions because she knew that someone cared. About an hour later she surprised me by showing up at my door with a bunch of yellow daisies. She gave because she had received, spreading sunshine further. Lynn A. Holfeltz, Salt Lake City, Utah

Painting by David Lindsley
