undefined undefined New Communications Manual Available from Distribution Centers
New Communications Manual Available from Distribution Centers
April 1983

“New Communications Manual Available from Distribution Centers,” Ensign, Apr. 1983, 78

New Communications Manual Available from Distribution Centers

Need help in preparing talks, organizing speech festivals, putting together ward or stake newsletters, or working with graphics? If so, you’ll be glad to read the new Communications Manual just published under the direction of the General Activities Committee. Its main purpose is to act as a guide for specialists called to serve on activities committees as speech directors or ward newsletter editors, but it can also be helpful to other interested members of the Church.

Written in a simple, concise manner, the twelve-page booklet takes the place of all previous speech manuals. Suggestions are given on how to prepare and give a talk, use a microphone, control anxiety when speaking, introduce a speaker, make a talk an enjoyable experience for both speaker and audience, and organize and carry out ward and stake speech competition.

The section on creating a ward newsletter gives suggestions such as organizing a newsletter staff, determining the budget, and writing, designing, printing, and distributing the letter. The section on graphics communications gives tips for creating effective posters, handouts, invitations, tickets, certificates, signs, programs, and other graphic arts projects.

To order the new Communications Manual (PBAC0067; $.40), contact the Salt Lake Distribution Center, 1999 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104.