undefined undefined New Sports Officiating Manual Released
New Sports Officiating Manual Released
August 1983

“New Sports Officiating Manual Released,” Ensign, Aug. 1983, 80

New Sports Officiating Manual Released

The Church has prepared a new Sports Officiating Manual for officials in Church competitive sports activities. The manual gives guidelines for training officials in their callings, and also explains the rules and techniques of softball, volleyball, and basketball. Optional quizzes are included to help the officials stay current on game rules and officiating techniques.

“The General Activities Committee is encouraging ongoing training clinics for all officials,” said Brother Clark T. Thorstenson, physical activities specialist for the Committee. “This manual helps provide that training. As sports officials are trained properly, they can have a great impact on sportsmanship, friendship, and fair play, consistent with the principles of the gospel.”

The Sports Officiating Manual (PBAC0238) is available from Church Distribution Centers.