“The Hummingbird and I,” Ensign, Aug. 1983, 7
The Hummingbird and I
When I think of how small a hummingbird is
Compared to the sky
Compared to the distance he’s traveled
Compared to his journey ahead,
I wonder why he doesn’t rest
Quiet his wings
Quiet his aching hunger
And his desire.
When I think of his faint strains of song
Compared to a symphony
Compared to heavenly angels
Compared to his breathless lungs,
I wonder why he strengthens his descant
Raising his song
And raising his upward flight.
When I think of how short a lifetime is
Compared to eternity
Compared to the distance before
Compared to the journey ahead,
I want to soar with the hummingbird
Speeding my wings
Speeding my aching hunger
And my desire to excel.
When I think of me, my faint strains of faith,
Compared to a prophet
Compared to heavenly angels
Compared to my burning heart,
I want to strengthen my flight
Raising song,
Raising upward flight,
And raising praises to God.
Photography by Ray Kirkland